

# 观点 1


# 观点 2


# 观点 3


# 观点 4


# 观点 5


# Note

本文来自于 FF 社区:https://blog.futureforge.dynv6.net/ 欢迎你加入我们社区。





# App Store 苹果商店


  1. iTunes Connect 给中国大陆开发者的起付金额为 $150 或等值货币,大约是 1000 人民币左右。未达到起付金额的收益将在下个月结转。
  2. iTunes Connect 会在本月计算上个月的收益,并生成相应的付款和财务报告,通常在每月 5-15 日之间。一旦达到最低起付金额,将生成预计打款时间为下个月。因此,2 月份的收益实际打款日期会在 4 月上旬。需要耐心等待财务报告生成过程中可能出现的余额结转情况。
  3. 即使开发者将货币设置为人民币(CNY),苹果在实际打款时仍会以美元现汇方式进行,不会直接汇款人民币。因此,大陆的开发者可以将货币设置为美元(USD),以避免汇率波动对收益造成的影响。(这个很重要)
  4. 苹果在进行境外汇款时不收取电汇费用,收到的美元金额将与财务报告中的金额一致。


# Google Play 谷歌商店

  1. 在 Google Play 上架付费应用时可以使用大陆的银行卡,所获得的收益将由 Google Play 通过电汇方式转入该银行卡中。将招商银行的借记卡作为示例,按照该银行提供的信息在 Google 商家账号中填写对应的招商银行中转行和招商目的银行后,在收款流程中没有发现任何中转费用或电汇费用,这让人感到非常高兴。
  2. Google Play 在每月的 15 日打款给开发者,并在打款后通过 Google Play 控制台和邮件进行提示。每月 15 日结算的收益为上个月的收益,如果之前设置了最低付款额,将在此时一并支付。
  3. 收到的 Google 支付款项是以美元形式直接转入,银行显示为美元现汇。如果需要将其转换成人民币,则需要自行进行结汇操作。
  4. Google 通过电汇支付的最低起付金额为 100 美元。


# PayPal

  • 优势:享有较高的可信度,用户规模庞大,覆盖 202 个国家,支持 25 种货币
  • 劣势:信用卡付款流程复杂,可能影响转化率;针对大陆买家而言,存在限制购买大陆卖家产品的情况;买家保护政策对卖家不够友好(如买家申请退款时,卖家面临申诉的难度较大)
  • 多语言:官方网站支持中文
  • 收款手续费:月销售额低于 3000 美元时,每笔交易收取手续费为销售额的 4.4% 加上 0.3 美元,并根据销售额进行分阶梯优惠
  • 提现手续费:提现至美国账户每笔费用为 35 美元;提现至香港账户,当提现金额低于 1000 港币时,每笔收取 3.5 港币的手续费,当提现金额达到或超过 1000 港币时则免费。


# Payoneer

  • 可收取 Payoneer 用户的转账,免费收取美元、欧元、英镑、日元等货币。
  • 全球收款服务提供美元、欧元、英镑、日元、加拿大元、澳元等当地收款账号。
  • 通过 Billing Service 发起付款请求,信用卡手续费为 3%,电子支票手续费为 1%。
  • 收款来自 Wish、Fiverr、Upwork、Airbnb 等 3500 多家透过 Payoneer 进行资金下发的平台。


# Sendowl

Sendowl 是 Shopify 玩家常使用的一种支付方式,非常方便。它可以用来销售 PDF 电子书、序列号和实物商品。Sendowl 本身并非支付平台,而是在帮助你调用 PayPal 和 Stripe 等支付接口完成产品支付过程。以下是其优点:

  • 支持许可证机制,无需额外编写购买页面和购买完成页面(除非你觉得需要美化)
  • 支持许可证重新发送机制,如果用户丢失了许可证,可以在后台直接重新发送给用户
  • 对于卖电子书,支持对电子书进行加密、打签名,以及控制下载次数等逻辑
  • 支持多语言的支付页面和支付完成页面
  • 支持联盟系统
  • 支持购物车挽留功能(用户暂时放弃购买时可自动向用户发送邮件或提供折扣码)
  • 支持折扣码功能
  • 支持订阅功能
  • 支持一键退款
  • 支持邮件群发功能


# 万里汇

对于跨境电商业务:提款费率 0.3% 封顶,最低低至 0 费率;入账越多,费率越低。¹⁵对于外贸 B2B 业务,万里汇(WorldFirst)支持添加第三方企业银行账户、第三方企业支付宝账号、第三方个人银行账户、第三方个人支付宝账号 ¹⁶

# Stripe

Stripe 是一家提供信用卡收款服务的平台,拥有完善的反作弊机制,手续费较低,但不支持中国大陆注册。

  • 优点:手续费低,资金直接转入绑定的银行卡。
  • 缺点:在中国大陆注册手续繁琐。
  • 多语言:平台支持中文。
  • 开发者友好程度:据称是开发者文档最全的平台,提供丰富的接口,包括各种 Webhooks 消息。开发者可根据需求自由处理付款信息。
  • 收款手续费:2.9%。
  • 提现:若使用工行亚洲的银行卡,可直接在工行 ATM 机取现,非常便利。


# wise

Wise 最初名为 TransferWise,在 2021 年更名为 Wise,并在伦敦证券交易所上市。Wise 为全球大多数国家和地区的人提供国际汇款服务,使用实时市场汇率进行货币兑换,不收取额外费用。

  • 拓宽了货币支持范围,比 Payoneer 支持更多种货币。
  • 提供公司账户申请服务。
  • 支持向外付款。
  • 适合用作跳板账户,用于收款或支付等,固定手续费且费用较低。
  • Wise 的借记卡非常实用(需在英国或美国申请)。



# Paddle

  • Paddle 支持的付款币种包括:
    • 澳元(AUD)
    • 英镑(GBP)
    • 加拿大元(加元)
    • 人民币(人民币)
    • 捷克克朗(捷克克朗)
    • 丹麦克朗(丹麦克朗)
    • 欧元(欧元)
    • 匈牙利福林(福林)
    • 波兰兹罗提(波兰兹罗提)
    • 南非兰特(南非兰特)
    • 瑞典克朗(SEK)
    • 瑞士法郎(瑞士法郎)
    • 美元(美元)
  • 付款时间:
    • Paddle 每月 1 日将根据您的帐户余额转换为付款,如果超过设置的最低付款阈值(最低 100 美元)。
    • 每月 2 日至 15 日将发送您的付款。
    • 支持电汇、PayPal 或 Payoneer 接收付款,大多数情况下不收取接收付款费用。
    • 对于某些国家 / 地区可能需要支付 SWIFT 费用,时效取决于选择接收付款的方式。
  • Paddle 支持软件业务,可向全球任何地方付款(不包括被制裁国家)。

# Lemon Squeezy

  • Lemon Squeezy 是一个在线电子商务平台,用户可以在几分钟内创建自己的在线商店。如果你不想处理复杂的支付接入流程,而只是希望专注于优化在线购物体验,那么 Lemon Squeezy 是一个不错的入门选择。
  • 可以使用 Lemon Squeezy 销售独立开发的应用,并为产品添加订阅功能。
  • 可在线销售课程,并管理付费会员。
  • Lemon Squeezy 提供电子邮件营销工具,方便直接与客户沟通,并提供智能数据分析,实现营销自动化。
  • Lemon Squeezy 记录销售信息,保留财务记录并自动计算销售税和欧盟增值税,可生成发票。
  • 通过 Wise 和 PayPal 支持支付服务,覆盖 270 多个国家和地区。
  • Lemon Squeezy 支持个人或商家两种申请主体。


# 对比

服务名称 费率 支持的支付方式 支持的国家和货币 安全性 客户服务和支持
PayPay 2.9% + 0.30 美元 信用卡、借记卡、银行转账、PayPal 余额等 覆盖多国和货币,支持多种语言 金融交易保护 可能提供 24/7 支持
Stripe 2.9% + 30 美分 信用卡、借记卡、银行转账、PayPal 余额等 覆盖多国和货币,支持多种语言 提供保障 可能提供 24/7 支持
Paddle 1.5% + 20p 只支持信用卡和 PayPal 付款 覆盖范围较小,但支持多种货币和语言 提供保障 可能只在工作日提供帮助
LemonSqueezy 5%-7% 只接受信用卡付款 覆盖范围较小,但支持多种货币和语言 缺乏顶级安全标准 可能只在工作日提供帮助

# Note

本文来自于 FF 社区:https://blog.futureforge.dynv6.net/ 欢迎你加入我们社区。


Rust has always been favored by developers and many technology companies for its ability to provide excellent memory safety protection, concurrency, and efficient programming experience . However, as a language that is very successful in terms of features and adoption rate, Rust’s project governance has many problems.

The bureaucratic behavior of the Rust Foundation for a long time has caused complaints from users in the Rust open source community, and the recent “trademark farce” has pushed the internal turmoil of Rust to a climax. In the end, some community members who could not tolerate the power of the Rust Foundation forked Rust and created the CrabLang community.

Fork triggered by outrageous draft

In fact, in terms of background, the relationship between the Rust Foundation and the open source community is already on thin ice. In April of this year, the Rust Foundation solicited feedback from the community on the updated trademark policy. In the new draft, the Rust Foundation hopes to prohibit the use of “Rust” in the names of Rust-related tools or software written in Rust , and even have targeted restrictions on domain names or subdomains.


This means that if the draft policy is established, it will force many Rust-based open source projects to change their names for compliance. Many dissatisfied Rust community members have protested to the foundation, and some even said, “I hope the foundation will abandon this policy as soon as possible, otherwise it will seriously affect the development of the Rust language.”

Although under pressure from the community, the Rust Foundation ultimately issued a new statement and closed the feedback form for the draft trademark policy while attempting to quell the controversy. However, after this battle, some users who were completely disappointed with the Rust Foundation still chose to fork Rust and establish the CrabLang community branch.

CrabLang: The New Utopia

In CrabLang’s official introduction, they stated that the creation of the community branch is a response to the restrictive trademark policies proposed by enterprises and foundations . The new draft of the Rust Foundation is the reason for the community fork, and CrabLang hopes to solve this problem in a better way.


CrabLang’s goal is not to replace Rust , and if users and community members are satisfied with the current state of Rust, CrabLang will encourage users to continue using the Rust language. CrabLang does not want to divide the community, but wants to help provide a new choice for people who are worried about Rust, ensuring that they have more freedom in using, creating, and promoting the language.

CarbLang emphasized that it is not opposed to Rust. The main branch of fork will continue to be synchronized with the Rust codebase The main goal of fork is to ensure that the community has an alternative that shares the same values and open source vision as its members, allowing the community to thrive without any interest factors interfering.


The development of CarbLang stems from the love of community members for this language. They will try their best to ensure that members and users retain the ability to create content, promote names or trademarks, and other assets while using it. By providing community-driven alternatives, CrabLang hopes to maintain a spirit of collaboration, innovation, and freedom. CarbLang has all the memory safety features of Rust, but it will not have a bureaucratic style.

The Rust Foundation is constantly causing trouble

However, the Rust Foundation is very disdainful of the series of actions taken by the CarbLang community. In a public interview, Ashley Williams, a member of the Rust core team, former executive director and founder of the Rust Foundation, said that forking is more like a negotiation strategy, and she believes that no one in the community is a language expert. In this case, no one will care about this organization, and they can only make some funny moves.

But soon, another farce led by the Rust Foundation slapped the arrogant leader in the face. Just last week, the organizers of RustConf2023 approached Jean Heyd Meneide, who was about to give a keynote speech at the conference, and asked him to accept it Downgraded from “keynote speech” to “regular speech” . The reason for this is that some members of the Rust Foundation leadership group were dissatisfied with Jean Heyd’s skin color and speech topic.

The disrespect towards Jean Heyd by the Rust leadership team has caused a “tsunami” in the Rust community. Faced with such authoritarian policies and racial discrimination, JT, a core contributor to the Rust project, angrily resigned from his job at Rust and wrote: “The Foundation has humiliated one of the most important experts in the field.” This sentiment has received a strong response from the community and has led many members who cannot tolerate the Foundation’s behavior to turn to CarbLang.

According to GitHub star history, after its release in April, CarbLang received 1900 + stars in a short period of time. Although growth slowed down between April and May, with the Rust Foundation’s reckless behavior again, CarbLang’s star count ushered in a new round of surge. As of now, the project has 3800 + stars , and this trend is still continuing.


Will Fork be a good choice?

In fact, there are many well-known projects in the open source community today that are forks. For example, Ubuntu, the most popular Linux publish version in the world, is a branch of Debian. Mozilla Firefox, which has the second largest client base after Chrome, was also forked from the Mozilla application suite. There are many successful cases, but there are also many projects that ultimately fail.

In short, the fork open source project has its two sides. New projects will either produce more new products with the support of members and establish their own ecosystem, or they may gradually decline and eventually disappear as the main project continues to prosper.

However, CarbLang’s fork is not intended to replace or recreate Rust. In their own words, “We are not against the original language of this project, Rust. Our main goal is to establish a community with the same values as the developers, so that people who are dissatisfied with the current state of Rust can have more choices.”

CarbLang’s goal is different from most fork projects in the past, and whether it can ultimately succeed, the choices and attitudes of developers and community members determine everything . No matter where Rust and CarbLang go in the end, this incident proves a fact that even open source foundations, so-called democracy and open governance may have problems, but the open source spirit always drives innovation time and time again.

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